The Invasion of the Interactive Billboards Continues!

A little while ago, we took a look at an interactive billboard that speaks to people based on their gender and age.

The billboard showed ingenuity and innovation. By targeting people based on their personal features, it made the experience personal for each and every prospect. The humble billboard was no longer just a static object.

…This week, we’re showing you a billboard that really takes it to the next level.

We don’t know about you, but we can’t help smile from ear to ear when we watch this video. Not only does this billboard make the experience unique to each and every passer-by, an impressive feat in marketing world…

…It’s also just fun to watch.

And even if you don’t accept the friendly bearded fellow’s invitation, it’d be pretty hard not to tell your friends about a billboard that invited you to the mountains on your way to work.

Marketing is at its best when the marketing itself takes a backseat to experience, and this particular example shows stunning success in doing just that.

If you’re interested in how to replicate this stunning success for yourself, talk to some people who know how to create it.

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