Benefits of working from home

Flex time: Why it’s good for the business and its employees

Life in the 21st century
is busy. Juggling the demands of this modern life is increasingly difficult. In
a society that is ‘on’ 24/7, partly thanks to technology and social media, the
nature of much of our work challenges the traditional 9 – 5 working day.
Businesses around the world are giving their these systems for some years now, however, the degree of flexibility varies. With advances in technology the ability to work flexible hours is now a possibility for even more workers. 


were the first group to take advantage of flexible working hours, but in recent
times workers at all stages and ages have benefited from flex time. Elderly
workers, looking after aging parents and grandchildren, Flexible work campaigners Anna Whitehouse and Matt Farquharson in their TedX talk on the same topic, liken Global Workplace Analytics show that 78% of Means for With good

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