The end of the year represents a time to reset, rest and realign. During the Christmas holidays, when work takes a backseat to family and togetherness, it’s helpful to think about your priorities: What you want out of your career, your business and your life.
What did you learn in 2016? What did you do well? What could you have done better? Did you get what you were hoping to out of the year? What caused you to fall short if not? What was the determining factor if you managed to exceed expectation?
It can be tricky to ask these questions and arrive at convincing answers when you’re in the thick of it. And for roughly 11 months out of 12, that’s exactly where we are. We’re attached to our work – perhaps too attached to get that all-important aerial view that allows us to realign and do better in the future.
Your goals for 2017
But reflection isn’t helpful unless you’re able to take your conclusions and use them to improve yourself. The great benefit of the Christmas holidays (in addition to being a well-deserved break) is that you can reflect not only on the things that didn’t go your way, but your successes as well.
We’re thinking of how to make 2017 the best year we’ve ever had. We redesigned our website in 2016 and did great work with our sensational clients. We’ve learned so much, and we can’t wait to take those learnings into the following year recharged and rejuvenated.
Merry Christmas!
But enough about that! We want to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. It’s during this holiday period that we get to reconnect with our families and friends, kick back and simply enjoy life. After all, these are the reasons we work so hard.
We found a heartwarming Christmas ad from England that we really like, and we wanted to share it with you. We think it represents the Christmas spirit beautifully, and we want to take that feeling into the holidays with us.
Thanks for sticking with us this year, reading our posts and supporting Ultimate Edge Communications. We appreciate your support more than we can express!
Here’s to 2017. See you next year!