If you’re still unsure about your social strategy, this is one aspect of your business you should really be focusing on in 2015. Because if there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that social media has the power to make or break a brand. So before you launch into anything, take the time to get across the facts.
In his article, “9 Starting Points For B2B Social Marketing” Atul Tuli, Senior Sales Director for Social and Marketing Cloud Solutions at Oracle shares the foundations of a good social strategy. See the article in full here.
Here are nine tips on how to use social media most effectively for B2B marketing:
Know whom you want to talk to.Use social media to offer your prospects something they genuinely want or need.Track how the content your giving your prospects goes with them.Hire the most exceptionally gifted channel managers to run your social efforts and empower them with the social technology to maximise their greatness.You should listen for signals from your prospects and you should get just as excited if you get something back.Be a thought leader in your industry sector.Be consistent.Use social media to supplement your overall marketing efforts.Somehow, some way, acquire patience.
It’s important to remember, building your brand is a long process and social media won’t just magically solve all your problems or get you immediate results.
Nevertheless, it’s important to be consistent and persistent in getting your message out there. By taking the above into consideration you might just get the results you’re after a little bit faster.
If you’d like to discuss your Social Media Strategy, contact us today.