Drones are all the rage these days. Also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), drones are one of many new technological advancements that have captured our imagination.
But make no mistake, drones aren’t just toys. The practical applications for drones have been considered for a wide range of purposes, including life-saving military endeavours. More relevant to the everyday citizen, though, is Amazon’s “Amazon Prime Air”, a drone-based delivery system currently being developed.
When Amazon Prime Air is underway, deliveries will be made by drones rather than delivery workers. Imagine a world where drones are flying up to your doorstep or bedroom window with your order, waiting for you to take your package before flying off into the sunset. How very sci-fi!
In this video, we see a group of brilliant (yet perhaps slightly idealistic) youths attempting to use drones to build a cake – a task that takes coordination and finesse. Whether successful or not, it looks like a lot of fun.
Technology is evolving every day, and drones are set to become a big part of our universe in the near future. Who knows? It mightn’t be long at all before drone cake-baking becomes an everyday part of life.