If you’re lucky, a minute might buy you enough time to write a quick email or grab a coffee from the office kitchen. However, in the world of the internet, what transpires in a single minute can be quite extraordinary.
The infographic we have for you helps visualise the phenomenal online activity billions of people around the world get up to in 60 seconds.

A side-by-side comparison of what an internet minute looked like last year will help you make sense of the platforms continuing to grow and the new trends taking hold.

While Facebook users and Google searches have gone up only incrementally, other areas like Netflix and Instagram are booming. Last year, for instance, only 67 voice-activated devices were being shipped per minute – and in 2019, there are now 180 smart speakers shipped in the same window of time.
Goes without saying, by this time next year an internet minute will look significantly different, yet again.